Congenitally or hereditarily, we blame ourselves in many ways. As we say, why was born in a poor house ?, I can not do anything in life! Why wasn't Bill Gates born into the family? Why not Mark Zuckerberg's family? Why am I not the son of a millionaire? Why don't I have a house or a car? By thinking these things, we weaken ourselves. "How to be successful!" To get out of this thought and succeed, I am sharing a story with you: -

One was a crow. He was not satisfied with her life. He used to compare himself with everyone. One day I saw a cuckoo and thought to myself that the cuckoo is black like me but people love him for his beautiful voice. Seeing this, the crow came to the creator and said, "Why did you give me such a voice?" Which is unpleasant to people. When he saw me, he drove me away. But how much the cuckoo gets caressed! Then the creator said, you want to live as a cuckoo. The crow said, yes I want to live as a cuckoo. Then the creator made him a cuckoo. Before long, a hunter was busy trying to catch him. Fearing this, he flew away. As he flew, he saw people feeding the chickens and building houses for them. Seeing this, the crow went back to the creator. He went and said to the creator, why didn't you give me the life of a chicken. How beautiful their life is, people care for them, hunters do not come to catch them. So I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. The Creator gave the crow the life of a chicken. Then life as a crow's chicken was going well. But he was sad to see the pigeons, because the pigeons can fly but they can't fly. One day while walking, he noticed that a man had caught and slaughtered one of his chickens. Seeing this, the crow went back to the creator, saying I don't want to live as a chicken. The Creator said to the crow, What do you want to live as? The crow said, I want to live as a pigeon. The Creator gave the crow the life of a dove. The crow is very happy with the life of the pigeon. But this happiness did not last long. Because the crow noticed one day that the pigeons were not left out of the human diet. Fearing that, the crow came to the creator again and said I don't want to live as a pigeon. The Creator said to the crow, What do you want to live as? I gave you life according to your will, but you could not live. Try to be content with your own life by omitting so much. I am telling you something to alleviate the pain you are feeling in your life. Try to listen to my words with your mind: --- The creator asked the crow, have you heard the name of chicken biryani? The crow said, yes I heard. The creator asked the crow again, "Have you heard the name of the rooster polao?" The crow said yes I heard. The creator asked the crow last, have you ever heard of crow polao or cro biryani? The crow replied, "No, I have never heard such a name." The Creator said to the crow: - Then where is your sorrow? No one is catching you, not beating you, not cutting you, not eating you. You are an independent bird. Then why is there so much sorrow or so much trouble with your life. Go and enjoy, rejoice, enjoy your independent life. You can go wherever you want, no one is eating you. The crow realized his mistake and went back to peace. I hope you understand from this story that you are not like everyone else. You are a different person from everyone else. Then what is so sad about your life! Don't be so sad, go and enjoy and enjoy this world. And always remember, you are different from everyone else. And with that in mind, you can succeed in life. Otherwise you have to accept failure.
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