Here are some important questions and answers about the database for you. If you read the whole article carefully then you will know a lot of important answers to questions about the database. Which are important questions and answers for all examinees and for the Viva Board of Jobs.

Database Interview Top Questions and Answers in English. I attached it below for your reference.
Q1) What is a database?
Answer: Data is data and Base is assembly. Then it can be said that a collection of one or more data is called a database.
Q2) What is meant by database?
Answer: The word data comes from the Latin word datum. The word datum means the element of information. And the word base means assembly or foundation. That is, a database is a type of memory, where data can be collected and stored or deleted as needed. Finally, we can say that a database is a repository of information.
Q3) What is a corporate database?
Answer: Corporate database is the specific method by which a particular organization or reputed organization collects, reviews, analyzes, and presents information.
Q4) What is meant by a database management system?
Answer: Every common event is called information or data. Datam is the plural of the word data. A database is a structured collection of data or records stored on a computer system.
Q5) What is the full form of DBMS?
Answer: DBMS is a complete Database Management System
Q6) What do you mean by DBMS?
Answer: DBMS is a software-controlled system through which database management, data space constraint, security, data type, data collection permission, etc. are determined.
Q7) Write the name of the database management system program?
Answer: Database management system programs are: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SAPHANA, Microsoft Access, MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, dBASE, FoxPro, IBM DB2, etc.
Q8) Why is the database system used?
Answer: Database systems are used to store information on the work accounts and salaries of employees of many well-established businesses, industries, banks, insurance, and financial institutions.
Q9) Who does the development of the database management system and from which site?
Answer: Database Management System is developed by the Administrator. The administrator works from the back-end site.
Q10) What is the full form of DML?
Answer: The full form of DML is Data Manipulation Language
Q11) What is DML called?
Answer: The language used to manage and control all the information in the database is called Data Manipulation Language or DML.
Q12) What can be done with DML?
Answer: With the help of DML it is possible to retrieve any data from the database or add any new data to the database, delete the data or modify, etc.
Q13) What are DML or Data Manipulation Language commands?
Answer: Data Manipulation Language commands are - INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, OPEN, CLOSE, FIND, MODIFY, INDEX, STORE
Q14) What is data type?
Answer: What is required to determine the type of field in the database or the nature of the data stored in the field when creating or modifying the database is called data type.
Q15) Where is the data stored in the database?
Answer: Server Computer or Computer's Drive is stored in the form of a table.
Q16) What is a data query language?
Answer: Database management The language used for searching and editing specific data in existing programs is called a data query language.
Q17) Write the reason for using data query language?
Answer: Query language is used for what data or information needs to be fetched from the existing database and what kind of editing needs to be done.
Q18) What is the full form of SQL?
Answer: The full form of SQL is Structured Query Language
Q19) What are the parts of SQL?
Answer: Part three of SQL
Q20) What are the parts of SQL?
Answer: There are three main parts of SQL. Namely- Select, Drom & Where
Q21) What is QUEL?
Answer: The sum of some statements is called QUEL.
Q22) What statements are used in QUEL?
Answer: All the statements used in QUEL are Create, Range, Index, Modify, etc.
Q23) What do you mean by QBE?
Answer: The method by which the user describes what he wants to do in an Example and other queries are done according to this Example is called QBE.
Q24) What is QBE based on?
Answer: QBE domain is based on relational calculus.
Q25) What is meant by a relational database management system?
Answer: Database data is organized in different rows i.e. files are considered only in records but also in tables with list rows and columns. Such a database is called a relational database management system.
Q26) What is Microsoft Access?
Answer: Microsoft Access is a powerful relational database program of Microsoft Corporation
Q27) What can be used in the text field?
Answer: Character numbers, symbols, etc. can be used in fields with the text data types.
Q28) What is a query?
Answer: A query is an efficient way to quickly, easily, or easily find, display, or print any number of data needed from a large amount of data stored in one or more tables in a database.
Q29) What is Select Query?
Answer: The query that is created by selecting fields from one or more data tables in the database is called Select Query.
Q30) What is Action Query?
Answer: An action query is a query that is created to perform a single operation to change or remove data from a table.
Q31) How many types of Action Query?
Answer: There are four types of Action Query.
Q32) What is Make Table Query?
Answer: The query that is used to store the queried data in another table is called Make Table Query.
Q33) What is Append Query?
Answer: Append Query is the query that is used to add one or more records to the database table.
Q34) What do you mean by SQL Query?
Answer: A query that uses SQL's DDL and DML languages to find, display, print, and perform certain conditions in one or more tables in a database is called SQL Query.
Q35) What is Shorting?
Answer: Shorting is sorted.
Q36) What is indexing? Why is it used?
Answer: Indexing is the process of making a systematic index of information in the right way. Indexing is used to quickly find the right information.
Q37) What is Indexing in the case of the database?
Answer: Sorting the data in the database table in ascending or descending order is called indexing of the database.
Q38) What do you understand about database relations?
Answer: The relation of data from one data table to the data of one or more data tables is called database relation.
Q39) How many types of database relations?
Answer: There are four types of database relations.
Q40) What is meant by one to one relationship?
Answer: If a relationship is established between two tables in such a way that the relation between a record of one data table and a record of another table is called one to one relation.
Q41) What is a one-to-many relationship?
Answer: If a relation is made between a record of one data table in a database and more than one record of another data table, it is called a One to Many relations.
Q42) What are Many to Many relationships?
Answer: If the relationship between multiple records of more than one data table in a database and one record of another data table is called Many to Many relations.
Q43) What is cryptography?
Answer: The process of encrypting and decrypting data is called cryptography.
Q44) What is Data Security?
Answer: The method of keeping data safe from unwanted persons or organizations is called Data Security.
Q45) What is meant by data encryption?
Answer: Data encryption is to keep the data safe from the use of an authorized person or organization.
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